
Telephone: 713.313.7000
Website:  http://police.ligalocalvaldepenas.com/ 

Telephone: 713.313.1136
Website:  http://ligalocalvaldepenas.com/about/administration/division-of-academic-affairs-and-research/

Student Conduct
Telephone: 713.313.1038
Website:  http://i5qf.ligalocalvaldepenas.com/students-services/departments/student-conduct/index.html 


Website:  http://www.twc.texas.gov/partners/civil-rights-discrimination 

US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights
Dallas Office
Telephone: (214) 661-9600 Facsimile: (214) 661-9587
Email:  ocr.dallas@ed.gov
Website:  http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/howto.html?src=rt 


When 德克萨斯南方大学, 第九条办公室 is made aware of reports of prohibited conduct. Individuals impacted can expect to receive an outreach email with information about the University’s available options and support measures. When complaints regarding prohibited conduct are received, the Title IX Coordinator will conduct an initial assessment to determine whether the complaint constitutes prohibited conduct under the University Policies, 如果确定为被禁止的行为, 调查将展开. The Complainant and Respondent shall receive a Notice of Allegations advising them the 第九条办公室 will commence a formal investigation.

Timeline. The 第九条办公室 aims to complete investigations within reasonably prompt time frames, typically within sixty (60) calendar days from receipt of a formal complaint. There may come times when the 第九条办公室 has good cause to extend the timeline for an investigation and when that occurs, the 第九条办公室 will notify the Complainant and Respondent explaining the reason for the extension.

Investigation. Investigations will be conducted in a thorough and impartial manner. The 第九条办公室 will attempt to interview the Complainant, Respondent, and Relevant Witnesses in a discrete and confidential manner. Disclosure of facts and allegations will be limited to what is reasonably necessary to complete a fair and thorough investigation. Complainant and Respondent may bring an advisor of their choice to interviews or related meetings.

非正式的决议. Subject to the consent of the Complainant and Respondent and approval of the Title IX Coordinator, informal resolution may be used when a formal complaint has been filed, except in matters involving student Complainants and University employees. The Involuntary Resolution process is a voluntary, remedies-based process designed to provide the Complainant and Respondent with an option to resolve the disputed matter in lieu of the formal grievance process.

收集与案件有关的资料. The 第九条办公室 will make every attempt to gather relevant documents and information relevant to the allegations. 第九条办公室不会进入, consider, disclose, or otherwise use a Complainant or Respondent’s records maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or recognized professional in connection with the treatment of the Complainant or Respondent, unless voluntary written consent is given to the 第九条办公室.

在完成调查报告之前, the University will make available for inspection to the Complainant and Respondent an electronic or hard copy of the investigation file. Complainant and Respondent will have ten (10) days to submit a written response. The 第九条办公室 will draft an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence and send to the Complainant, 信访人的顾问, Respondent, and Respondent’s advisor ten (10) days prior to the hearing.

Hearing. A live hearing will be held in accordance with University policy. A trained Decision Maker who is not the Title IX Coordinator or Investigator will be assigned. The standard of evidence will be a preponderance of evidence, 这意味着它更有可能发生, 基于所有合理的证据, 被告违反了学校的政策.

禁止报复. The University will not tolerate retaliation against those who make reports or participates in the investigatory or adjudicatory process. 报复包括但不限于, any adverse employment or educational action taken for making a report or otherwise participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, 或根据大学政策进行聆讯.